Butterfly Chrysalis Photo


Article Summary
Gardening - Help the kids put down roots in the garden   by Norman Winter   - Courier-Journal.com (l;ouisville, KY)  1/21/11 With the New Year here and resolutions running amok, why not add to the list to get the kids or grandkids out in the garden more in 2011? It may not be as hard competing with video games as you imagine.
Nectar plants a must for butterflies   by Norman Winter   - Lansing State Journal  5/2/10 Though we may call it a weed, the Asclepias is named after the Greek god of healing. And when the Monarch butterfly finds it, it becomes the "Festival of Feasting." Though we can't really get inside the head of the Monarch butterfly we do know the larvae devour the leaves and the adults relish the nectar, making these plants a must for backyard wildlife habitats.
Emerging from the cocoon   by Chen Dujuan   - Global Times  1/4/10 Beijing's first butterfly garden is holding test operations and will open officially in May 2010 in Beijing's suburban Shunyi district.Occupying an area of over 650,000 square meters and home to more than half a million butterflies, it is the largest butterfly garden in Asia.
Plant a garden and grow butterflies   by Willie Chance   - The Sun News (Macon, GA)  11/11/09 Butterfly gardening is fun, but it is much more than just planting a few butterfly plants. It is a way of gardening, a mind-set.
Naturally ... South Texas: Fall is mistflower time   by Ro Wauer   - Victoria Advocate  10/14/09 Our crucitas are starting to flower, Wright's bonesets are budding, and Gregg's mistflowers have been blooming for the last several weeks. All of these Eupatorium species (or Conoclinium, according to some botanists) are some of the best butterfly magnets in all of Texas.
Native Plants Draw Watchable Wildlife to Your Yard     - AP  10/13/09 Attracting a steady population of birds, butterflies and other watchable wildlife to your yard is a matter of providing habitat - a combination of food, water and cover. The challenge comes in finding the right plant partners.
Great examples of NZ butterfly habitat     - Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust  10/10/09 Concern for New Zealand’s endemic butterflies has led to gardeners looking for good examples of how to make their gardens, or wild spaces, more attractive to butterflies
Garden Tips: Pentas, other showy flowers perennially attract butterflies   by Carol Cloud Bailey   - TCPALM  10/9/09 Gardens that attract butterflies are brightly colored. Universal nectar favorites include pentas, zinnias, asters, marigolds, daisies, coneflowers, black-eyed Susan, milkweeds, thistles and butterfly bush. Flowers in the daisy family and flowers in clusters like milkweed and viburnum also are good choices.
Monarchs are coming; attract them to your garden   by Stacy Estep   - Cleburne Times-Review  10/8/09 It is amazing how monarch butterflies guide themselves thousands of miles over terrain they have never seen before to overwinter where they have never been.
It’s an easy, lively time for gardens   by Hal Massie   - The Telegraph, Macon, GA  10/8/09 This is even a lively time in the garden, especially if you are a butterfly or hummingbird. The butterfly populations have peaked and will remain high for several weeks. For now, bright yellow sulphurs sip on red salvias and cypress vine, creating constant picturesque moments. An occasional monarch floats through the garden, regal among the more common buckeyes, skippers and fritillaries.
Embraceable view: These vines cling to trellises, cover bald spots, look and smell wonderful   by Mike Malloy   - NaplesNews.com  10/1/09 There are many flowering vines that do well here in Southwest Florida and specifically here in Naples. You can grow them on an arbor, a trellis or a fence; you can also let them climb up one of your least favorite trees in your yard.
How To Attract Birds And Butterflies Using Garden Planters   by Scott Gray   - www.allgardenplanters.com  June 2009 Attracting birds and butterflies to your outdoor living space is not difficult to do if you welcome them with a long-term source of food, water, and a place of safety.
Environmental Enhancement with Ornamentals: Butterfly Gardening   by Mel Garber, Extension Horticulturist   - University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Ornamental plants provide homeowners the means to improve their local environment in many ways. Generally, all that is required is a knowledge of appropriate plant varieties and how to utilize them in the landscape. Butterfly populations can be greatly enhanced by devoting a portion of the landscape to butterfly habitat. In addition, to their natural beauty, butterflies serve as valuable plant pollinators.
Butterfly Gardening in Texas     - Texas Agricultural Extension Service Butterfly gardening is a fun, educational way to enjoy nature’s most abundant form of wildlife - insects! A basic understanding of the life history of butterflies, their food needs and the plants that provide these is all you need to plan and grow a garden suited for butterflies. Butterfly gardening requires some knowledge of local butterfly species, flowers that are attractive to nectar-feeding adults, and host plants for the developing caterpillars.
Butterfly Gardening     - Wikipedia Butterfly gardening is a growing school of gardening, specifically wildlife gardening, that is aimed at creating an environment that attracts butterflies, as well as certain moths.
Butterfly Gardening in Florida Gardens     - FloridaGardener.com  June 3, 2008 Butterflies are like flowers floating in the air. To make your garden inviting to them means adding a certain magic to your special backyard paradise.
Butterfly Gardening in Wisconsin     - Southern Wisconsin Butterfly Association Butterfly gardening adds beauty to your yard and provides habitat for butterflies. Much critical butterfly habitat has been lost, so any butterfly-friendly terrain we provide as gardeners can help many species survive.
Butterfly Gardening in the Washington DC Area     - Washington Area Butterfly Club This guide was created specifically for beginning gardeners in the D.C. Metro area. It incorporates and expands upon the lists below, explaining what you need to know in order to successfully attract butterflies to your yard or balcony.
How to Make Butterfly Gardens   by Stephanie Bailey   - Univ of Kentucky College of Agriculture  Nov 16, 2007 Different species of butterflies have different preferences of nectar, in both colors and tastes. A wide variety of food plants will give the greatest diversity of visitors. Try staggering wild and cultivated plants, as well as blooming times of the day and year. Groups of the same plants will be easier for butterflies to see than singly planted flowers.
A British Butterfly Garden     - Conwy Butterfly Jungle Your garden can easily be cultivated to attract butterflies. They like grassy corners and high wild hedgerows with evergreens and ivy and here they will establish themselves.
Flowers that Attract Butterflies     - Garden Country Butterflies are always a welcome addition to any garden. By choosing the right plants you will be encouraging them to visit a while longer as well as return in the future.
Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardening   by Naomi Mathews   - Suite101.com
Butterfly Plants     - Taina's Butterfly Page Good plant list, common and scientific names
Butterfly Demonstration Garden     - University of Kentucky Extension Service Plant lists for Kentucky
Butterfly Garden Design     - University of Kentucky Department of Entomology Plant list, directions, sample design
How to Make Butterfly Gardens   by Stephanie Bailey, Extension Specialist   - University of Kentucky Department of Entomology Different species of butterflies have different preferences of nectar, in both colors and tastes. A wide variety of food plants will give the greatest diversity of visitors.
Landscaping for Backyard Wildlife   You can attract birds, butterflies, bullfrogs and other wildlife to your backyard. Here's how.
Blooming Butterflies   by Martha Daniels   - Misssouri Conservationist for Kids Butterflies are on the move from March until late October. If you want them to hang around your home, give them the colorful wildflowers and nectar they desire. A warm spot and a sunning area help, too.
Sulphur Butterflies Bring Sunshine to Gardens   by Naomi Mathews   - Suite101.com Clouded and Cloudless Sulphur butterflies are attracted to many lovely flowers that are easy to include in your butterfly garden.
June is in Bloom! Come to My Garden Party!   by Naomi Mathews   - Suite101.com A burst of early flowering perennials attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, and a host of happy buzzing bees to gardens.
Attracting Painted Ladies … Butterflies, That Is   by Naomi Mathews   - Suite101.com Attracting Painted Lady, American Painted Lady, or West Coast Lady butterflies to flower gardens isn't difficult. Learn the differences between these gorgeous "painted ladies" and what their nectar and host plant preferences are.
Plant Some Aromatic Herbs to Attract Butterflies   by Naomi Mathews   - Suite101.com Planting a variety of aromatic herbs will attract many butterflies to your garden.
Leave Some Fall Garden Litter for Butterflies   by Naomi Mathews   - Suite101.com Where do some of your familiar garden butterflies go at summer's end? Not all escape to warmer climes as the Monarchs do.
IPM Leads Way in Controlling Garden Pests   by Naomi Mathews   - Suite101.com Learn how, why, and when to use the "Integrated Pest Management" (IPM) approach to help control pests and diseases that plague your gardens.
Hummingbirds, Butterflies and … Mosquito Plants?   by Naomi Mathews   - Suite101.com This aromatic perennial has several common pseudonyms including mosquito plant, Texas hummingbird mint, bubblegum mint, and giant hyssop. It is native to certain areas of Texas and New Mexico, and is especially noted for attracting rufous and broad-tailed hummingbirds.