...The Butterfly
WebSite Picture Gallery II
Larger images of most of the following butterflies and moths are available
by clicking on the images shown.
Atlas Moth (Attacus
- Range extends from India and Sri Lanka to China, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
It is the world's largest moth in overall size. The caterpillar is pale
yellowish green with long, fleshy spines powdered with a white, waxy substance.
It grows up to 10 cm in length, feeding on willow (Salix), poplar (Populus
), and privet (Ligustrum) (1).
Common Sulphur (
Colias philodice)
- Occurs across most of North America, excluding Florida and southern
California, and in most of Canada. Lives in open areas, such as parks and
pastures. Caterpillar is bright green with back and side pale stripes. Host
plants include legumes such as clover, alfalfa, and vetch (2).
Luna Moth (Actias
- Occurs from the USA south to Mexico. Scarce in southern Canada. Plump,
green caterpillar with dark pinkish red raised spots, feeds on broad-leaved
trees including birch (Betula) and alder (Alnus) (1).
Peacock (Inachis
- Widespread in gardens of Europe, temperate areas of Asia, and Japan.
Females are slightly larger than males. The black, spiny caterpillar feeds on
nettle (Uritica dioica) and hop (Humulus lupulus) (1).
- 1. Carter, David. 1992. Eyewitness Handbook of Butterflies and Moths.
Dorling Kindersely, New York.
- 2. Schneck, Marcus. 1990. Butterflies: How to Identify and Attract
Them to Your Garden. Rodale Press, Emmaus.
- 3. Corel Draw 4.0 Clip Art CD-ROM
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Last Updated: Feb. 1, 1996butterfly@mgfx.com
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