Inspirational Stories
Stories Contributed by Our Visitors:
January to December 2015
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- Nadalina, Windsor, Ontario, CANADA
- My story about butterflies has started a year after my best friend passed away, from cancer at the young age of 18. That first year without her was very hard.. I struggled a lot. Living with out your other half sometimes makes it feel like a part of you died too. There was a time where I would cry every single day I didn't know how I could live without her. I would see ladybugs all the time and know that her presence was near. It wasn't until I started school the following september a year after she had passed that I saw butterflies all the time.. I would leave school and walk to my car and a monarch butterfly would follow me. This happened on multiple occasions. During that first month of school I probably saw 2 or 3 butterflies every single day. And it always made me smile, and feel this overwhelming sense of joy and happiness.
Just recently within the last few months 2 years after her passing I continue to see butterflies everyday, in the most random places.. driving in my car on the highway, I will happen to look over in the sky and see a butterfly, multiple times where butterflies have flown right close to my windshield. I see them constantly and it always reminds of her, like she is telling me to live my life and to be happy. That the time is now caterpillar to change into the oh so beautiful butterfly, to have hope for your future, to wake up and appreciate everyday, because life is so beautiful... just like the butterfly. And every time I see a butterfly that is what I'm reminded of, and I feel so blessed to be honest. How lucky am I to look at life a completely different way, to stop and appreciate the beauty this world has to offer, even if it is without my best friend. Loosing her made me appreciate the days, never let worries carry them, but only beauty and happiness. The butterflies I see multiple times a day always remind me of that, that life is beautiful and so are you, and to never give up.
- Jane, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
- My husband Don and I had only been married for 2 years when he had 2 major strokes and stage four stomach cancer. He was very ill for 5 years but managed to make a trip with my granddaughter and I to the zoo. The zoo had a special area where you could go in and be surrounded by hundreds of butterflies. My granddaughter was enthralled and to this day remembers it. A week after Don passed, my daughter, granddaughter (now 18)and myself along with his sister went to spread his ashes in the mountains. We found a beautiful spot, with the foothills ahead, the mountains to the right, the river below and fir and birch trees all around. I was the last to take my turn at spreading his ashes, but just before I did, a pure white butterfly landed on the bush directly in front of me. After I had said my good-byes I walked to catch up with the rest of the girls. My daughter came running back and said Mom, you are not going to believe this but there were 4 butterflies hovering around us - a blue one, a red one, an orange one and a bright yellow one. Don sent one for each of us!
A few more things happened that day. Dons spirit animal was the wolf. On the drive up to the mountains we passed a dog-wolf sanctuary - I never knew there was such a thing! Then we stopped at a drug store where to my astonishment, the clerk had a beautiful wolf tattoo on her forearm and informed me she had over 180 wolf related things at her home. The last thing of the day was before I went to bed, I went to my car to retrieve my jacket from the back seat and needed to just sit and cry alone. As soon as I turned on the radio, the old Garth Brooks song, If Tomorrow Never Comes came on. It was in one of the first e-mails Don sent me when we fell in love. I have not heard from him since, but I know I will and I look forward to the next communication with the love of my life One footnote: I asked Don what my granddaughter said to him when she was spreading his ashes ( as she was a distance away from me) and the words that came to mind were: Thank you granddad for the butterflies. I asked her about a week later what she said, and she said - Thank you granddad for the butterflies - her exact words!
- Brittany, Louisville, KY
- As a child I was poor and my family was alcoholics and drug abusers. I had a tough upbringing and the only thing I enjoyed was being outside and climbing trees
playing in the rain smelling the flowers. I was fascinated with the beauty of nature. I had several odd and beautiful experiences with nature. I adored butterflies
and I loved the rain. My story might sound crazy but I want to share my experiences with others who has similar experiences. I also have always wondered if it
had meant something more. My parents and my brother witnessed it all and will tell people to this day.
I am in my late 20s now and I haven't had the same experiences as an adult. But I was out in the back yard and my parents were cooking out and tons of
butterflies had swarmed me and landed all over my body and as I would move they would follow. My family stared in amazement. I had several encounters afterwards.
I would just be walking with friends and would see a butterfy and I would hold my hand out and they would land and I would continue walking and they would stay with me
for quite a long time, sometimes until I got to my destination and then they would still just flutter around a while. Also I had bad asthma as a child and I didn't like
hot weather because my asthma was so bad I couldn't breath. The rain helped me breath and I loved the smell and the way it felt and I thought it was beautiful.
Weird walk out on a sunny day and ask it to rain and out of no where it would pour down rain. These things would happen to me often. I would ask for rain and without a
cloud in the sky it would start pouring down rain. As well as other things that I won't mention because it all sounds so unreal and crazy I know alot of people wouldn't
believe. But I guess I just always wondered if I was the only one who had these kinds of experiences or if there were other people. It was an amazing time of my life and
I wish everyday I could go back.
- Debbie, Gahanna, OH
- My very special husband of 34 years passed away suddenly on May 23. Our daughter and her family had just set up their campsite for the Memorial Day
Weekend. Our three grand daughters had gone to the water's edge and all of a sudden were surrounded by hundreds of butterflies. My daughter told me later that at that same instant she got my phone call telling her that her dad had just passed away. Days later the children said the butterflies were from my husband giving them "PaPaw tickles".
- Chris, Chicago, IL
- My fiancee's father passed away in an automobile accident in Lexington, Kentucky, last Wednesday. After his death, we began to notice butterflies at odd times during a few outdoor walks.
After we spent some time at his house yesterday with his sister and her husband, we walked outside to go to the car. As I got close to the car, I felt something fly into my head and I said "Aaaaah!". I looked up, and a beautiful butterfly was fluttering quickly around 10 ft above me. Then a few seconds later, it landed on my fiancee's head and stayed there for a little while before it went back up into the air fluttering around very quickly and then back to her head. It then went back up for a while and then came back down and landed on the back side of her left shoulder for 30 seconds or so. And then again, it quickly fluttered off above us and continued to quickly fly and dart around. And then one more time, it landed on the same spot on the back side of my fiancee's left shoulder and stayed there for close to 5 minutes as we both teared up.
My fiancee said right then as the butterfly rested on her shoulder that the butterfly was her dad telling her that he "Had her back!" When the butterfly flew up again, it then was joined by another butterfly 20 ft above us and they both flew around each other and basically air-danced together before just flying off out of sight.
We had never experienced something supernatural, and I'm agnostic. I also had never heard of this website or phenomena until I Google searched it today. The pictures I was able to take of the butterfly on my fiancee's shoulder are priceless.
Thanks for allowing me to share this story that I still can't believe really happened just yesterday.
- Josh Clement, Bloomingdale, NY
- Hello-
I thought you might like this butterfly video I produced for MLPBS. Feel free to share if you do. Thanks. Great website! Cheers!!
- Iesha, Charlotte, NC
- It all began with me mowing my lawn and seeing these beyond beautiful majestic silk designs flapping in the straw beneath the pear tree in my front lawn. As I stood there admiring God's definition of art, I seen that she(the butterfly??) had only half of her right wing! The first thought that came to my mind was of shark destruction, seriously! So, in my mind thinking it was dying and disabled, I try crouching down moving oh so slowly,trying to catch what I thought would be the first butterfly I ever caught. I moved slow, not under the impression she could fly, I just did not want to frighten her. She surprised me big time and was quick I had to do a double take to be sure she had an injury period! It was that bad I thought it was dying once I layed eyes on it. This silk, black, turquoise, yellow, and white creation was beautiful and flawed.
I've begun to think what that butterfly thinks of itself now that it's been broken and damaged? Does it see it's self as beautiful, and royal as I did. Or like us not realize how beautiful and admiring we are to others, or wonder why people are still interested in picking us up. Are they a threat? Will they hurt me how I just felt that left me broken????? Hmmmmm
The next day after my encounter with 'her' I found out I was expecting. Ohhh.... Well I still had a mountain to cross with letting the father know! Like expected after three weeks of unanswered calls. There was havoc, there was deceit, there was hostility, you know...the almost tangible kind! There was crying, there were things done that would only be done during this time, because there was nothing else logical to do at 12am, on a week day, him looking ruffled from bed, me with an evil mug on my face, visions of the text we had been exchanging since I told him the news earlier.
Yes we finally hashed it out. All throughout the conversation I see all this could've been avoided by what??? Yep, COMMUNICATION! Some how we end up in a intense yet awkwardly romantic embrace. We got to talking about life, past mistakes, past hurtings and tribulations. Present decisions to be made, the struggle of just staying above water today and tomorrow. And finally there was the talk about the future. In being now what you want to be tomorrow. In leaning to your Higher Power for everything you need and lean not on your own understanding. Everything and stage that butterfly had been through. The caterpillar, the vicious cycle in the canoe. Did you know it's as serious for them as life and death during that time? I didn't either until Hodge told me. As I stood there admiring the only guy's child I would like to be carrying in this whole world, right about now. He helped me see that I was just like that butterfly I shared God's time with the day before! Beautiful, yet experienced by life prematurely. But at least those same flawwed things about me showed I lived life. That Ive experienced some of the tales that have been told through the test of times.
I wonder if butterflies have been going through their growth development as long as humans have walked this earth? I wonder to what intensity is their pain in that canoe? If that same intensity was applied to a human, could we survive it?
Him and I shared a decent conversation about a brilliant mind and how it stayed intact, lost focus maybe for a time but never for long, a mind so disciplined the bad habits of this world seems forgien to his eyes like aliens from Mars. My man has regrets and resentments he is not to quick to discuss them and I got the opportunity to show him, how he reflects the butterfly I saw also.
REGARDLESS of what life throws at you. If you are of sound mind, sound spirit, a calmed soul that you give it all to the Man upstairs to handle, and a want for something but a need for something. Just like that right wing, just like that butterfly's whole lIife! Today I realized what the meaning of something happening "naturely" means. I think every butterfly would flap its wings in cheers to NEW BEGINNINGS!!!
- Katherine, Seattle, WA
- Hello,
Last month my Dad called and said that he wasn't going to make it. I live in Seattle and he's in New Jersey. Within 48 hours I
flew out to say goodbye and I'm so glad that I did. The day that he called I put in my Heart cd and started listening to the
song "Dog and Butterfly" and so this song has so much meaning to me.
Last Saturday at the very same time of his service back in Jersey I spread some of his ashes on Elliot Bay here in Seattle,
as he'd requested, and with the song playing in the background, I sent a text telling them that some of his ashes were now in
Elliot Bay. In fact at the very same time his older brother had started his speech, Perfect timing.
Two days ago I ordered Family Urns with a Pewter Butterfly on them, I was feeling a Butterfly theme.
The reason I'm writing this is tonight when I got home from work a beautiful butterfly, black with small orange spots landed
on my nose, then to my forehead and then stayed in my front yard for some time. Well, my Dad's a Halloween Baby and all
year all I've ever seen are the big Yellow Butterflies.
- Barbara, Fort Worth, TX
- When my 33 year old son was killed on a Friday in a car accident I wanted to order butterflies to release at his funeral
but didn't get my order in on time. Stepped onto my screened in porch on Saturday morning and on the screen was the most
beautiful butterfly I had ever seen. It had to have hatched from a large plant that his best friend had sent me.
I put in it a jar (large pickle) with water droplets and greenery to save it for the funeral on Monday.
It stopped moving and started emitting a red liquid so I thought it was dying. Looked it up and it was a Mourning Cloak.
I took it to the door, put it on my finger and held it up and it took flight straight up into the sky.
Since I love butterflies, I thought this one was sent especially to me. Had several other experiences with huge butterflies at the cemetary later on.
- Rosemary, Charlotte, NC
- My stepfather passed away three weeks ago. About a week later I was in the back yard of my parents' home talking to a neighbor,
and a red admiral butterfly suddenly lighted on my shoe and stayed there for several minutes. I thought that was unusual,
since I couldn't remember that ever happening before. Then about a week after that, my husband and I were vacationing in the mountains.
One morning I was sitting on the deck talking to my mother on the phone, and another butterfly - also a red admiral - came and
lighted on the cushion by my head. I put my hand up to it, and it crawled onto my hand and stayed there for the rest of the
conversation! I finally had to encourage it to fly away; it didn't seem to want to leave! One such incident I might have
chalked up to coincidence, but two? Within a couple of weeks?
- Rob, Reynoldsburg, OH
- Today is the third anniversary of the date that my partner John had hip surgery as he had fallen July 4 and broke his hip in 2012.
John also suffered from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and he also had AIDS. I was in the backyard today mowing and trimming as I
normally do every week and when I'm in the backyard I always in my mind just say okay John it's time. And low and behold over
the privacy fence comes my white butterfly. Needless to say I don't know if the lines I'm mowing are straight or not because
the tears just begin to start flowing.
We took John off of the ventilator on July 13, 2012 and 10 minutes later he passed away. So this is the start of a very
sad week for me because I miss him so desperately. But he does bring me such comfort when he comes to me as my white
butterfly. We were together 26 years when he passed away and I'm thankful for those 26 years every day that I live.
- Jerry, Nutley NJ
- When my grandma passed away in 1997 we (the family) went to the cemetery where she was being held before moving her to the mausoleum, and while at this spot, the most orange Monarch Butterfly landed on my aunt's left shoulder. Ever since that day my mom and I have seen Monarch Butterflies everywhere we go.
- Ray, Converse TX
- My wife and I were caregivers for my mom for several years and it was such an honor to take care of her since she had took care of me since I was little. We had always been very close and unfortunately she was not only a diabetic but had Alzheimer's as well. In August of 2006, I noticed that her disease was progressively getting worse and spent the last moments of her life at her bedside. It was very bittersweet because I know she wasn't living the quality of life she so richly deserved and that I was being selfish and didn't want her to go but at the same time I just couldn't stand to see the pain in her face and wanted her to be free from it all.
Well, that night at about 11:00pm, my younger brother had played some of her favorite beautiful Spanish music as the angels finally came for her. Yes, we all celebrated her life as she passed, but it wasn't long as the extreme sadness began to envelop us at her passing. At her funeral, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful yet somber day. I felt that I had lost my best friend in the whole world. While walking back to my car, tears down my face and realizing that my last surviving parent was gone, I looked to my right, and I just couldn't believe what I saw.
I have NEVER seen anything like it. It was a BIG florescent bright yellow butterfly hovering next to me while I was walking backing to my car. I stopped and looked at it and said "MOM?" I tried calling out to other family to look at what was going on, but nobody heard me and it seemed that THIS butterfly was especially for me and hovered next to me for about 20 seconds. I was in AWE as I knew in an instant that she was with GOD and that she was ok. I will Always be Thankful to GOD for sending me this little miracle.I still miss her so much!!!
- Niki, Portland, ME
- My best friend Jerry and I would have many conversations about God and if he really exists and if heaven really exists. He knew I loved butterflies and thought
they were people visiting at grave sites. He promised if he died first that he would prove God exists by coming back as a butterfly in a way I couldn't do.
He died in a car crash in 2007 and about a week after. I was visiting his grave. Not one, but 4 butterflies were flying around and I laughed at the idea that
it was really him so I finally went home. After walking in my enclosed front porch, I found a perfectly dried butterfly on my welcome mat. Knowing
that there was no way a butterfly got in and died peacefully while I was gone, I knew Jerry had left it there for me. That moment and many other
butterflies have had great significance in my life.