Los Angeles Audubon Society 7377
Santa Monica Boulevard
West Hollywood, California 90046
Endangered Habitats League
8424A Santa Monica Boulevard, #592
Angeles, California 90069
December 11, 1997
Dear Friends,
Members of the conservation community in Los Angeles have been fighting for years to protect the El Segundo dunes, which support the largest remaining population of the endangered El Segundo blue butterfly and other endemic species. The dunes, located off the end of the runways at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), are owned by the City of Los Angeles and controlled by the City's Department of Airports. Unfortunately, the Airport views the dunes not as habitat, but as real estate, and a mega-expansion is being planned. As part of these plans, LAX is proposing to build new runways over a third of the remaining undeveloped dunes (approximately 100 of 300 acres). However, this area has been designated by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) as part of the "Recovery Unit" essential for the long-term survival of the El Segundo blue butterfly. We are strongly supportive of the USFWS Draft Recovery Plan and wish to see it finalized intact. This, however, will be a political battle; the Airport will likely attempt to use its considerable political clout to free up the 100 acres of dunes for development by urging that the100 acres not be included in the Final Recovery Plan. This would be a tragedy, jeopardizing the survival of the El Segundo blue butterfly, and many other species of plants and animals restricted to the dunes. We need the help of other conservationists. Favorable comments in support of the Draft Recovery Plan will be essential to ensure that the boundaries identified in the Draft Recovery Plan as critical to the species' recovery are not changed to accommodate the airport expansion. Please voice your support for good science and sound conservation planning by writing a short note (see below for sample) to USFWS stating that you endorse the Draft Recovery Plan and protection of all that remains of the El Segundo dunes. (Copies of the Draft Recovery Plan can be requested by calling Chris Nagano at 760-431-9440.) Comments can be sent until December 29, 1997 to:
Mr. Gail Kobetich, Field Supervisor
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
2730 Loker Avenue
West Carlsbad, CA 92008
Comments may also be sent via email to (Chris_Nagundo@fws.gov).
Thank you for your help.
Catherine Rich
President Los Angeles Audubon Society
Dan Silver
Coordinator Endangered Habitats League
Mr. Gail Kobetich, Field Supervisor
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
2730 Loker Avenue
West Carlsbad, CA 92008
Dear Mr. Kobetich:
We support the actions outlined in the El Segundo Blue Butterfly (Euphilotes battoides allyni) Draft Recovery Plan for the recovery of the species, particularly preservation of the entire remaining portion of the El Segundo dunes at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). We oppose LAX proposals to expand the airport onto the dunes, and believe that protection and restoration of the habitat of the El Segundo blue should be paramount. The Draft Recovery Plan correctly recognizes that the LAX dunes present the best opportunity for the long-term persistence of the butterfly and its habitat. Because so much of the El Segundo dunes have been developed, protection of all that remains is essential.
We look forward to the implementation of the Recovery Plan and the eventual downlisting of the El Segundo blue butterfly.
[Your name/organization]
... Butterfly WebSite Environmental Alert
Last Updated: December 17, 1997 WebMaster: Jack Mikula / Neil Weininger butterfly@mgfx.com