The Bronx Zoo's
Butterfly Zone

Visited by Pam Mikula and Jenn Galvelis

Local Butterfly Hot Spots

Inwood Hill Park, Manhattan
Walk wooded trails in mid-June for Spicebush Swallowtail, Banded Hairstreak, Spring Azure, Mourning Cloak, Little Wood Satyr.
Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx
Open fields on Vault Hill in late June for Coral and other Hairstreaks, Hoary Edge and Silver-spotted Skippers; up to 8 species of smaller skippers. Enter N.W. Woods (north of Henry Hudson Parkway) for local Silvery Checkerspots.
Floyd Bennett Field, Gateway NRA, Brooklyn
Fields, especially near the Boy Scout Camp, are home to Red-banded Hairstreak, American Copper and Common Buckeye in late August; keep an eye out for Black Swallowtail.
Jamaica Bay NWR, Gateway NRA, Queens
At the Visitor Center in July, note Broad-winged Skippers and Painted Ladies near Butterfly bush; ask for directions to hackberry tree to see Snouts, and the "bait tree" to see Question Marks and Red Admirals.
Sailor's Snug Harbor, northern Staten Island
Search large flower beds in September for Fiery Skippers, as well as more common species.
Hook Mountain State Park, Rockland County
In early May, take the trail to the summit. Along the upper trail look for Falcate Orangetips; at the top, Northern Cloudywing, Indian Skipper.
Sandy Hook, Gateway NRA, Monmouth County, NJ
Red cedars and holly bushes near the Visitor Center shelter Henry's Elfin and Olive Hairstreaks in early May. Late August, check for Hackberry and Tawny Emperor around Lot K.
Long Island Pine Barrens, Suffolk County
Numerous good sites in May for Elfins and Duskywings; walk open pine/oak woods or sandy trails. In Easthampton, try Northwest Road lupine beds.
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, northern Westchester County
The premier butterfly spot around New York City. Over 40 species can be seen in early July. Search larger meadows, as at the end of Michigan Road, where Great Spangled and Meadow Fritillaries, Wood Nymph, Appalachian Brown, and many hairstreaks and skippers abound.
Last Updated August 28, 1998
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