Michigan State University Extension
Home Horticulture - 03900003


Field plants should receive full sun or at least 1/2 day    

full sun.  The soil should contain 25-50% sand to a depth of

1 1/2 feet.  More sand should be added for clay soils.      

Beach sand is too fine to use and doesn't improve drainage  

very well.  Field plants are best kept dry; water should be 

applied once a week during dry periods lasting over 2 weeks.

The soil's pH level should be between 6.5-7.0.              

Field plants also differ in requirements as they            

differ in species:                                          

Asters (Aster spp.), require:                               

Light:  Sun to light shade                                  

Soil:  Depends on species                                   

Moisture:  Dry to very moist                                

PH:  Average                                                

Flowering Time: August-October                              

Propagation:  Stratification not needed; division in spring 

Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), requires:                     

Light:  Sun                                                 

Soil:  Sandy                                                

oisture: Dry                                                

PH: moderately acid                                         

Height: 2-3'                                                

Flowering Time: July-August                                 

Propagation: Stratification not needed; division in spring; 

stem cuttings in summer.                                    

Black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta), requires:               

Light: Sun                                                  

Soil: Sandy                                                 

PH: Moderately acid                                         

Propagation: Stratification not needed                      

Biennial (blooms and dies second year)                      

Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), requires:              

Light: Sun                                                  

Soil: Sandy                                                 

Moisture: Dry                                               

PH: Not specific                                            

Height: 1-2'                                                

Flowering Time: July-September                              

Propagation: Stratification not needed.                     

Goldenrod (Solidago spp.), requires:                        

Light: Sun to light shade                                   

Soil: Depends on species                                    

Moisture: Dry                                               

PH:  Moderately acid                                        

Height: 1-2'                                                

Flowering Time: July-October                                

Propagation: Stratification not needed; division in spring  

Lupine, blue (Lupinus perennis), requires:                  

Light: Sun to light shade                                   

Soil: Sandy                                                 

Moisture: Dry                                               

PH: Moderately acid                                         

Height: 1-2'                                                

Flowering Time: June-July                                   

Propagation: Seed, plant immediately                        

Prickly pear cactus (opuntia compressa), requires:          

Light: Sun                                                  

Soil: Sandy                                                 

Moisture: Dry                                               

PH: Average                                                 

Height: 1-2'                                                

Flowering Time: June-July                                   

Propagation: Stratification not needed; stem sections in    


Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana), requires:             

Light: Sun to light shade                                   

Soil:  Rich in humus                                        

Moisture: Dry to moderately moist                           

PH: Neutral                                                 

Height: 1-2'                                                

Flowering Time: June-July                                   

Propagation: Seeds stratified; division in spring.          

Tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum), requires:                     

Light: Sun to light shade                                   

Soil: Average                                               

Moisture: Dry to moderately moist                           

PH: Not specific                                            

Height: 2-5'                                                

Flowering Time: July-August                                 

Propagation: Bulblets borne in leaf axis                    

Wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana), requires:            

Light: Sun to light shade                                   

Soil: Average                                               

Moisture: Dry to moderately moist                           

PH: Moderately acid                                         

Height: 3-6"                                                

Flowering Time: May-June                                    

Propagation: Seeds stratified; root runners                 

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