Around the 2nd of October 1998, New Zealand experienced westerly winds up to gale force with a jet stream in excess of 200 kph. While mowing the lawns I noticed a butterfly flying past. Thinking nothing of it (just another monarch), I took no notice.
Later in the day while I was
sitting and eating, again it flew by and settled on a nearby plant. A closer
inspection revealed an orange-coloured butterfly, so to the books and low and
behold we have an Australian Painted lady (Cynthia kershawi) . Out with the
I managed to take a roll of film
which turned out ok. Since then I have seen quite a lot of these around; it
looks as if quite a number arrived here. It is about 1200 km of open water
between us and Australia and if they got up to the jet stream it may have taken
6 to 8 hours or if they were lower it may have taken several days .
Feel free to use this report or the attached photos.
Regards, Bob Talbot
... Butterfly
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